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Bon Voyage

I looked up and wondered
What the stars whispered to you
When I saw how Venus' tears splattered
Like paint
        Crayola watercolors
Smeared across your cheeks
A portrait
Against a canvas of the


        W  i  d  e


I think it's pretty

I can't see when you speak

My mom is friends with
The rabbit
On the moon

I knock on his door
And greet myself

        Be my friend

We'll fish for comets
And sit on Saturn's rings

I'll talk about how I miss
The sun setting
        A blazing chrysanthemum
Behind my house
While the train snores
        I'm homesick

Baby bluebirds perch on a star
Singing of a time lost
To the ticking of your pocket watch
And it's all much too small
        While we're much too big
Looking down

I think I'll visit Pluto
        Board a sleeping train
And be reminded of
Clearer blue skies
With you

Aloha and Bon Voyage
To our fleeting eternity

Let's paint a picture

        With moon dust.